How to do an Innovation


Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower . "
                                        -- Steve jobs

Innovation !!! this is a single word which convey a lot more meaning itself. Now a days everyone talks about the innovation and it's adaptation towards the society but they don't know how to do an innovation, even they don't find the best possible solution for there own problems. All over the country innovation is on boom like America, Russia, Germany, China, India, France and many more countries . Our major concern is that how we innovate and how we expand our mind towards the innovation so now let's start .

In india we have seen majority of the students are capable of doing innovation but they don't the reason being is the lack of awareness and the knowledge about the innovation. Even we have seen that most of the schools and colleges are not teaching this subject. So, don't worry m here to guide you how we do a innovation and we think like an innovator. What so ever i learn about the innovation i try to deliver this knowledge towards out youth in a simple and easy way. 

Firstly we see the steps which need to be follow while doing innovation : - 

Step1: Problem Statement.

Step2: Solution.

Step3: Flow Charts.

Step4: Drawings.

Step5: Advantages and Disadvantages.

Step6: Conclusion.

Now focus on one by one : 


Our first step is to find the problem and the problem should be any type. You are feel free to find the any type of problem but the problem should be relevant and hit the target. Finding any problem which is not related to our actual issue so it can't be worthy to work on them. So, always find the real problem rather than creating our own problem. For example, we know that almost 80 perc. of the world population are using the electronic gadgets like mobile phones, laptops and TV etc. but after some times we are getting bored and we throwh the gadgets out of the house and even we sell them at very low price which was not worthy for us right ! Now, here the innovation comes play an important role what if we can convert them and make another useful product for the society. like making lamp from the laptops, speaker from the mobile phone and etc. 

The above example shows the real issue which we can solve and this kind innovation our society wants and this is how you find the real problem and discuss with your friends, family members and teachers so that they will help you. Always choose a one problem at a time solve them first, then find the second problem, solve them and follow the hierarchy. 


Our second step is to find the best fit solution and the solution should be clear which convey some true meaning for the problem we have find. And also try to make a solution which is feasible for use with proper understanding and usage like how we use them. I know at a one attempt we can't find the best fit solution but yes while doing modification in our current solution we find the best one. Like apple always launch a new series of iPhone why the company doing this because they always upgrading themselves and making new version at the period of time. So, i hope you understand how we find the solution and write down on the paper.


Now our third step is to make the flow charts and this is one of the most crucial step in our innovation. But here one question is arising how we make the flow charts so, don't worry in the coming blogs I'll teach you how we make a best flow charts. Our motive in this blog is to understand the basic of innovation and its step. So, flow charts is kind of skeleton model of your innovation with the help of this innovators and the people will understand how the innovation is work. From starting to Ending.


Again our fourth is the most important step making a drawings of your own innovation either you can just made it on paper and make it on desktop all choice is your. Making drawings shows the best understanding of the solution with proper labeling and the drawing should be neat and clean. Again don't worry in the upcoming blog I'll guide you how to make drawings even if you don't have the prior experience after seeing my blog you will understand how to make it.


Once you create the solution now it's our responsibility to also writes it's advantages and disadvantages. Which shows that when to use them and hoe to save them. 


Now here is the end part where we write the abstract of the innovation and also makes the alternate solution for that so that in the future you can innovate more out them. 

I hope you will get the clear vision now how to do an innovation !!!!. 


Thanks for the reading


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